BSA 2110


Highrise projects / Medium distances

Model BSA 2110 HP D
Delivery Pressure 150/220 bar

102 / 70 m³/h

Engine Power 330 kW
Hopper Capacity 600 L
Delivery Line

ZX 125 mm

Control System

Ergonic 1 - EPS FFH



Small and big job sites each have their unique demands. Our stationary concrete pumps, with the appropriate delivery line and the MX stationary placing boom system form an unbeatable team, perfect for the tough daily operations on any kind of site. They provide versatile and inexpensive service for smaller setups and real, robust power for high rise and long distance conveying. Machines, concrete distributors, accessories and services made for a comprehensive, one stop solution. Today’s construction industry needs solutions that are worry-free and long lasting. That’s exactly what you’ll get with Putzmeister.

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